What we Treat

telehealth or virtual visit

Many gynecologic health concerns can be addressed during a telehealth or virtual visit.
These include:



Inflammation of the vagina and vulva that can cause pain, itching, burning or discharge.

Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs, infections of the bladder, urethra or any part of the urinary system, can cause pain or abnormal urination.

Birth Control Questions

Birth control questions or urgent prescription refill requests (if you are not able to access your regular provider and want to ensure that your birth control is not interrupted).

If you Have a Question

If you have a question about a possible bladder infection, vaginal discharge, yeast infection, or other common gynecologic issues, we can manage through our urgent GYN services telehealth platform. Investment = $147.

Control Concierge offers in-home preventative and gynecologic care

So you never have to deal with a stranger in a cold, uncomfortable office again. Would you like to hear more? If so, please schedule a strategy session with me by clicking on the link below. Let’s get in control of your health.